How to Coupon at CVS!

How to Coupon at CVS
CVS is a wonderful place to shop and to bag some fantastic deals. When you combine sales, coupons and ExtraCare Bucks (ECB) the savings really start piling up. Here is how to get started shopping CVS.
Get Your CVS Card
You will have to have a CVS card. Their loyalty program is known ExtraCare. In earn your ECBs you need a CVS cards. You can enroll online or instore. If you register online you can print a temporary card while waiting for you card to arrive. Register your card online to get all the perks available to you.
Sign Up For The Beauty Club
This perk is one of the reasons I love shopping at CVS. You sign up for this when you register your card online. Here are the benefits.
- 10% off beauty shopping pass when you enroll
- $3 ExtraBucks Rewards for every $30 spent on purchase from the beauty area of the store. You will be surprised what all is included
- $3 ExtraBucks rewards on your birthday
- Exclusive emails
The Red Machine – Where Magic Happens
Every time visit CVS head to the Extra Care Bucks Machine. You can’t miss it. It’s read and usually somewhere near the front of the store.. Scan your card, and then scan it again – sometimes it prints twice. Coupons vary and are often based on previous purchases. You can stack CVS coupons with manufacturer coupons and other CVS coupons..
For example, if the machine gives you a $5/$10 deodorant purchase and it prints out a $2/1 Degree deodorant coupon you can stack these two PLUS use a manufacturer coupon. Nice. It’s called a triple stack!
The CVS app is easy to download to your phone. Once your Extracare account is connected you will receive digital coupons. Many are unique to the app. Anything digital can be send straight to your CVS card and will come off your purchase when you scan it.
Get Started Saving
Start your shopping by making a list of all the deals you want to do. Next put together your coupons. You can stack a CVS coupon with manufacturer coupons. You can also use 2 coupons with a BOGO sale item, one for each item. Example – L’oreal shampoo is buy one get one free and you have $2/1 coupons. You can use them both as one will attach to the free item. You can use a BOGO coupon with a BOGO sale. This type of stacking makes CVS great.
Roll Your ECBS
If you don’t have ECBs when starting out it is easy to earn some. Look for nice deal with almost no out of pocket and do it first. Now use the ECBs you just got to to do your next deal. Keep going. It’s called rolling your ECBs.
ECB deals are tracked at CVS. You don’t have to buy everything in one day. For example if the deal is buy $35 in Suave products get $15 ECB you can spread it out over the week. You might buy $10 worth on Tuesday. You can go back in the store and buy the rest on another day. What you have bought shows on your receipt so you can keep track. Typically deals are a limit of one but a few are 2 or more, especially cosmetics and dental care. Just check your receipt.
Get Rain Checks
Always, always get rain checks!! They never expire and you may discover a better deal later on. Rain checks never expire.
When you know the basics CVS will fast become your favorite place to shop.
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