Earn Cash & Test Products with SurveyJunkie! $2 to $75 per Completed Survey!

Alea's Deals Earn Cash & Test Products with SurveyJunkie! $2 to $75 per Completed Survey!

Wondering how to score FREE gift cards? We’ve got you covered!

Apply for Survey Junkie and Earn points by taking surveys, which can pay anywhere from $2 to $75 per completed survey. Cash out your points for digital gift cards or cash out with PayPal.

Two more reasons to sign up for Survey Junkie:

  • If you do not qualify for a survey, you still earn some points for it towards a gift card (not all survey companies will reward you for your time)
  • Ages 13+ can sign up – get your tweens and teens signed up to start making their own money!


Alea's Deals Earn Cash & Test Products with SurveyJunkie! $2 to $75 per Completed Survey!

Alea's Deals