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10 Ways to Make Quick Cash for the Holidays!

Alea's Deals 10 Ways to Make Quick Cash for the Holidays!

The holiday season is a fun time, unless you’re stressed about money. Worrying about how you’re going to pay for all the presents you need to buy, on top of paying your regular expenses, can make the season more stressful than joyful. If you need to temporarily increase your income for the holidays, then you’ll like these 10 Ways to Make Quick Cash for the Holidays!

10 Ways to Make Quick Cash for the Holidays

1. Have A Garage Sale

If you’re like most people, there are dozens of things in your home and garage that you no longer want/need. Make quick cash for the holidays and create space for new gifts by having a garage sale!

2. Sell Online

Some of your highest quality items would probably make you more money sold online than at a garage sale. Gather up your fanciest clothes and old electronics and set them up to sell on eBay or Amazon!

3. Do Yard Work

It’s likely that you’re already outside raking leaves, cleaning your gutters, or shoveling snow. So why not see if your neighbors would pay a little to have those chores done for them too?

4. Do Freelance Work

Everyone is skilled at something that other people would be happy to pay for. Whether your skill is drawing, writing, making music, managing social media, or any of the hundreds of other skills in the world, there’s likely an online marketplace where you can use your skill to make money. Consider setting up a profile on Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer and make some money in your free time!

5. Do Surveys for Money

Anyone can make some decent holiday money really quickly by doing surveys! Each survey only pays a little, but if you do a few during your random moments of downtime, you’ll soon have some extra cash to use. Check out the surveys on Opinion Outpost or Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk)!

6. Do Online Micro Jobs

One of the best ways to make quick cash for the holidays is to do online micro jobs! These include data entry, keyword tagging, transcription, editing, and even translation. Businesses are happy to outsource these jobs to the online community (especially MTurk) for a few pennies a job. The good thing is that these jobs are simple enough that you can get good at them fast, and quickly turn those pennies into dollars!

7. Sell Homemade Crafts

People love to buy homemade items all year round, but especially during the holidays when those items can become gifts. At Christmastime, people are especially interested in homemade stuffed toys, crocheted or knitted clothing, jewelry, and seasonal home decor. If you want a quick start, Etsy would probably be the best place to list your homemade items.

8. Become a Pet-sitter/Dog Walker

Love animals? Then you could quickly become a pet-sitter or dog walker! People need these services more than ever during the holidays, when they’re busy with holiday activities and holiday travel.

9. Babysitting

If you’re good with kids, then babysitting is a wonderful way to make quick cash for the holidays! Parents often need someone to watch their children when they’re occupied with adult-only holiday festivities.

10. Be a Holiday Odd Job Worker

With the holidays comes a need for a lot of odd jobs. Busy people and senior citizens often need someone to shop for them, wrap gifts, or even to take packages to the post office. That type of work doesn’t take long, and is a good way to put some extra money in your pocket!

Do you try to make extra money for the holidays?

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