Alea's Deals

200+ Companies That Will Send You FREE Coupons!

Alea's Deals 200+ Companies That Will Send You FREE Coupons!
200+ Companies You Can Contact For FREE Coupons!

One of my favorite ways to get high-value and sometimes even FREE item coupons is e-mailing manufacturers. very simple and doesn’t take a whole lot of your time. All you need to do is go to the links included below and send the manufacturer a little note.

Not sure what to say when you contact them? Most of the time I just let them know that I like their product, sometimes I’ll give them a suggestion on how they could potentially improve their product, and other times I’ll just ask if they are willing to send me a coupon so I can try/continue to use their product. It doesn’t have to be anything long or fancy. Just keep it simple!

I challenge all of you to get as far through this list as possible…even if it takes you a month or two to do so. I promise, it will pay off! In a week or two, you’ll be running to the mailbox instead of walking!

Make sure to come back here and leave a comment when you start getting your coupons!

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