Alea's Deals

How to Organize Your Coupons

Alea's Deals How to Organize Your Coupons

How to Organize Coupons

Coupons are an easy and invaluable way to save money on purchases and are available in most Sunday newspapers and on national coupon websites. From grocery coupons to the store-targeted variety, once you accrue a stockpile of coupons, you need to organize them in a way that makes them easily accessible, simple to view and portable. When properly organized, coupons can be matched up to specific store sales and special offers for more savings. Here are some tips on how to Organize Coupons!

Method 1 of 3: Your Organizing System

Keep it simple. You do not have to have a fancy schmancy system to be an avid couponer. You may actually find that dealing with a binder (or whatever system you use) is cumbersome and needless. Use what’s available in your house already — don’t go spending money for the purpose of saving money.

Use a large accordion file. Something that comes with individualized sections already does half the work for you. You can place labels on each of the tabs in the sorting system that you choose.

Invest in a binder. One of the most popular methods of organizing coupons is in a binder. With fewer coupons, they virtually collapse. With more, they expand to just about as big as you need. If you’re serious about couponing, get a 3″ or 5″ binder — the 1 inch ones just won’t do.

Buy a couponizer. Since couponing has become so trendy, products and companies have sprung up as a result. Now you can find little gadgets dedicated just for coupon organizing.

Keep your extras handy. Surprisingly, couponing isn’t just about coupons. You need more than just your system to stay on top of things. Couponing is a lifestyle and you’ll need everything to be as easy as possible.

Method 2 of 3: How You Sort

Sort them by category. Even once you decide to sort by category, there’s still a bit of wiggle room. Your categories can be whatever you choose — aisle, product type, or how often you buy.

Sort them by store. If you have a bunch of stores you frequent, this may be the method for you. if you sit down on Sunday mornings with the newspaper, it’s pretty easy to grab each store’s ad and file away accordingly.

Sort them alphabetically. You can do this either by brand name or by product type. This can be easy to flip through if you’re shopping for a specific product. However, this also may be a bit more difficult if you have a lot of coupons on your hands.

Sort by expiration date. If you want to get the most bang for your buck, you’ll want to use every coupon before it expires. Organizing by expiration date may help you plan meals in addition to saving money.

Decide whether to clip or not to clip. Whether it is nobler in the binder to include the width and length of the entire sheet or to take scissors against the border of the sales and by cutting make them smaller. Some couponers swear that filing away the entire insert saves them time and thus money. Others say it’s just too bulky and nonsensical. You decide which way feels right for you.

Method 3 of 3: Maintaining Your System

Clean out the expired coupons. You’ll be sifting through piles and piles of ads if you don’t routinely clean out your binder/filing system. As the coupons expire, throw out the ones you haven’t used — you’ll be carrying around fewer and notice which products you aren’t buying.

Compare grocery store prices. As you get into this, it’ll benefit you to know what the base prices are. A coupon for a product at one store may be the retail price at another. You’ll be able to toss out coupons that really don’t save you any money.

Get into stacking. So your coupons are organized in the manner of your choosing, but what about stacking? If you find manufacturer’s and store coupons, sometimes they both can be used, doubling your savings.


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