Alea's Deals

How To Coupon at Publix!

Alea's Deals How To Coupon at Publix!

You can score some amazing deals at Publix. It all begins with understanding how to shop there. Here are some tips that can help.

Using Coupons

When you shop at Publix they do have a limit on the number of like coupons you can use at one time. You can only use 8 LIKE coupons per transaction.  Publix also has their own Publix store coupons which you then can combine with a manufacturer’s coupon. Throw in a good B1G1 sale and you can really score big. Publix often puts out XX dollars of an XX purchase. $10 off your $50 order. These are one per day and one competitor dollar off coupon per day. Your total must equal the amount on both.

Using Competitor’s Coupons

Publix is great when it comes to accepting competitor coupons. Each Publix will have various stores they accept coupons from, this based on location. Publix usually keeps a list posted at the front of the store or you can ask at customer service. Competitor coupons are not manufacturer coupons, they are store coupons. That means you can use a manufacturer coupon and a Publix coupon or a manufacturer coupon and a competitor store coupon. You have to chose which is the better deal. Store coupons for store brand products can also be used. A good example would be target’s Up  & Up coupons can be used on Publix brand products.

Stacking Your Coupons

Stacking coupons means you using several coupons to buy the same item. You stack a Publix coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon on your item. The difference between the two types of coupons can be determined by looking at the top of the coupon. Publix coupons say “Publix Coupons” at the top. Manufacturer’s coupons is stated otherwise. You can look at the bar code. Publix coupons have a LU#. These don’t scan, the cashier types them in.

Stacking & a B1G1 Sale

One other excellent reason to go shopping at Publix is the abi8lity to stack coupons with B1G1 sales. They count the free item in a B1G1 sale as a purchase.  If there’s an auto deduct sale you can use the store coupon on top of the auto deduct.

Publix Coupons Are Great

Publix distributes Advantage Flyers. There are two of them out and they have wonderful Publix coupons. One is the Green Flyer, which has food coupons, and the other is the Purple flyer, which has non-food item coupons. They are published every 10 to 14 days. These can be found at the Information Center carousel at the entrance to the store. These flyers are also printable.

Get More Publix Coupons

There are several ways you can get more coupons. They can be mailed or emailed to you through the Publix Paws and Publix Baby Clubs. The pharmacy has coupon booklets as well.

Stacking Examples

Here are some examples of ways you can stack coupons at Publix.



Buy 1 Dove Shampoo –  $3.00

Use one $1.50/1 Dove Shampoo Manufacturer Coupon

Use one $1.50/1 Publix Dove Coupon (Purple Flyer)

Final Price: FREE

Here is a BOGO sale example:

Buy 2 Dove Shampoos – BOGO Sale – $4.00 each

Use two $2/1 Publix Dove Coupons

Use two $2/1 Dove Manufacturer coupon

Final Price: It’s a $4.00 money maker.


When this happens, Publix puts it on a gift card if you don’t have enough items in your cart to cover the overage.

Get You Rain Checks

Rain checks are fantastic. You can ask for one when what you want is out of stock. You use these rain checks down the road and get the same price. They typically work past the 30-day expiration and you are allowed up to 8 items on a rain check each day of the sale.

Publix Promise

Publix has an excellent promise they make to their customers. If an item is scanned and is more than the advertised or shelf price the customer gets it free. Cigarettes and alcohol are not included in this.

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