Alea's Deals

FREE 6-Month Amazon Prime Membership for College Students (FREE 2-Day Shipping!)

Alea's Deals FREE 6-Month Amazon Prime Membership for College Students (FREE 2-Day Shipping!)

Before you know it, back to school season will be here! Plus with the recent graduates and students heading off the college, this is a great time to start snagging some deals. If you are enrolled in college or taking courses, you can score a FREE 6-Month Amazon Prime Student Membership! Plus, after your FREE 6-months, you’ll get 50% off the regular price of an Amazon Prime Membership, making it only $6.49 per month or $59 for a year.

To sign up, you’ll just need a valid .edu email address. Enter your school, year, and major to sign up! Plus, as long as you continue taking classes each year, you can keep your Amazon Prime Student membership for up to 4 years!

Amazon Prime Student Perks

As an Amazon Prime Student Member, you’ll get access to a TON of great perks. The most exciting being FREE 2-Day Shipping on most items sold by Amazon! But check out some of the other awesome perks that come with your student membership:

Amazon is an amazing resource for college students on a budget. Get college textbooks and supplies delivered straight to your dorm or apartment for FREE with Amazon Prime. Best of all, you can always cancel your membership at any time! Sign up now!

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